Dogs may not speak the same language but that doesn’t stop them from communicating with us. When they want or need something, they make it known.

Often, we can communicate with our dogs better than we can with other humans. We know that a certain look from Spot means he wants some food! For one family, their dog trying to communicate with them ended up saving a life.

Lots of gratitude

A family in Glastonbury, Connecticut is extra thankful this holiday season after their dog saved their daughter’s life.

Kelly Dowling was doing all the “motherly” things a few nights ago as she got her daughter ready for bed. Things seemed normal as she swaddled her baby, the only thing that was different was the little girl had a bit of a cold. Babies get colds all the time, however, and a little sleep is usually the best remedy.

Putting the baby to bed

Going into the nursery, Dowling placed her baby in the crib and went about her business as usual.

Henry refused to leave

That’s when Henry took action. Henry is the family dog, a Boston Terrier that deserves all the love after what happened next. When Dowling had left the nursery, Henry wasn’t quite ready to go. Although his mom kept on removing him from the room, Henry seemed strangely determined to go into the nursery and bark.

An upset owner

Dowling was upset that Henry was making bedtime so tough.

Started to bark

Any dog owners know that sometimes, barking doesn’t mean anything. Henry seemed to be making a fuss and it was disrupting the little girl’s ability to sleep. Dowling wasn’t happy and Henry wasn’t relenting. He opened the door to the nursery multiple times, eventually waking her up.ADVERTISEMENT

Unusual behavior

What was strange was that Henry doesn’t usually disobey.

Henry typically walks around the house at night, but if he goes somewhere he shouldn’t, a firm “no” is usually all it takes. When Henry received the “no” this time around, it didn’t even phase him! He repeatedly opened the nursery door and seemed to be lingering near the crib.

A hint she could no longer ignore

When Dowling noticed that Henry was intentionally not listening, she knew something was wrong.

“This time, he woke her up and when she started crying, I knew there was something wrong with the way she was crying. She didn’t sound right. So I took her downstairs and she was struggling to get air,” Dowling said. “The fact that he was so persistent and he didn’t go hide or stop when I told him to stop, he had to have known or maybe smelled something or heard something.”

Running into the nursery, Dowling saw that her baby was struggling to breathe. Trying to suction out the congestion didn’t work and soon, she was turning blue. Rushing her to the hospital, they were able to get the baby air right in time.

Henry, the family hero!

While we can’t be sure that Henry knew what he was doing, it seems clear that things could have turned out worse if he wouldn’t have been so belligerent! He is going to deserve some SERIOUS treats this Christmas!

Watch the video below for the full story.

By Admin