Way back that evening in 2000, then 34-year-old Danny Stewart was running late for dinner with his boyfriend, then 32-year-old Pete Mercurio in New York City.

Stewart was rushing to catch a subway when he saw something on the ground and then an extraordinary incident took place that was going to alter their lives forever. He found a new-born baby boy in a much unanticipated place and later it turned out a finding which would in the long run make for a very exceptional and motivating story for years to come.

At first glimpse, it looked like a baby doll that someone had simply thrown down on the subway platform. But Stewart decided it was safe to leave behind and kept running for the train until he looked back one more time and made a shocking sighting. After taking a second look, Stewart learned that its legs were moving and it was an actual baby enfolded in a sweatshirt in the corner of the 14th Street subway station exit. He looked around for that someone who might have been with the baby but found no one.

Stewart was looking out for some assistance but he was too afraid to touch what could have been an injured new-born. He then briefly left the baby to call 911 and updated his partner Pete about the incident.

When the police reached and attained the infant, they realized the umbilical cord was still attached. The delicate baby was then taken to seek medical attention.

Stewart and Pete realised that the new-born would grow up wanting answers about the people who had found him all those years ago in a subway station. Pete said to Stewart that he is going to be connected to that baby in some way for the rest of his life. That was the time when they both decided they would attempt to stay in the new-born’s life some way or the other even if that just meant sending him a birthday card every year.

With that emotion, Stewart reached out to the hospital where he figured the baby may have been taken to for medical assistance but was unable to find him. With no clue about the baby, the duo continued their lives as normal.

Nevertheless, things picked up again when Stewart was called to family court and asked a question that would eventually change of both his and his partner’s life. During family court, the judged asked Stewart if he had curiosity in adopting the baby.

Stewart was surprised with the question but he did not waste any time to say yes. Though he and his partner had never really intended on having children as they made little money to make their ends meet. But everything about this decision fallen in place well. 

The couple had been together for three-and-a-half years by that time. Pete worked as a web designer and Stewart worked as a social worker. Their association appeared to be a very strong one and making them a great fit to be loving parents.

The couple decided to name the boy Kevin. The first year after the couple brought Kevin home, he had a rash and was shaking after all the trauma he had undergone. However, little Kevin was healing and began to grow into a truly amazing young man.

Kevin, now 20, is at present joined in college and studying computer science and math. He is described by his fathers as being reserved and quiet, while also being very cheerful and caring.

Certainly stories like this don’t take place every day. In fact finding a baby abandoned at a subway station sounds like something out of a fictitious flick. So Stewart and Pete decided to put in a nutshell the truth of their story in a book which tells the story of their family and how it came to be.

Stewart and Pete wanted to send him to college with a reminder of his present and where he comes from. So, they provided him a copy of the book before he left for college.

Now, that’s what we call a happily ever after.

By Admin